Launch of a competition to identify and propose urban planning and investment projects. AECID, with the support of the European Commission, is launching a competition in the framework of the LAIF City Life initiative.
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated important changes in much of the financial markets, where sustainable instruments have shown significant growth in Latin America, almost doubling the number of issues and amounts of debt during the period 2020 - 2021.
UNEP, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), IDB invest, the Development Facility and its Sustainability Academy are organising a series of webinars on "Financing the Circular Economy", which will be held in Spanish from June to October 2022.
Resources from the European Union's Latin America Investment Facility will be added to CABEI's Climate Change Investment Project Preparation Fund, contributing with its partner countries in the generation of a portfolio of projects for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
The fund was officially launched to protect climate and biodiversity.
European Investment Bank signs a LAIF grant agreement with the European Commission to complement a USD 100m loan for climate action projects in Peru
CAF, in cooperation with KfW and LAIF, develops and implements the Performance-Based Climate Financing Facility, an initiative that aims to support the sustainable development and sector transformation in Latin America to combat climate change through the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.
Learn the details about the new balanced feed plant for animals in Ecuador, which allows to process and sell animal feed of quality at affordable prices.
The invitation to present event proposals in the EUROCLIMA + Pavilion is open. Deadline: September 17, 2021.