
Kuali Fund aims to transform Latin American and Caribbean countries into low-carbon and resilient economies by fostering systemic adoption of climate best practices by small financial institutions, including small banks, Microfinance Institutions, cooperatives, other non-bank financial institutions and FinTech companies. Kuali will support them in their transition to become greener and more inclusive so that they eventually provide green products to Small and Medium Enterprises and to smallholder farmers.
The European Union and the Green Climate Fund contributions are key to mobilize private investors’ participation by reducing their exposure to the perceived risk of the SME and smallholder farmer’s sector. Kuali will make use of debt-like investments, equity, mezzanine investments and growth-capital equity investments.
The impact of the Fund’s investments will be maximized with the support of a Technical Assistance Facility, helping to support the investees in the...
Dates: Dec/2024 - Dec/2034 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Dominican Republic, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru

The programme aims to improve public urban transport and non-motorised systems (walking and cycling) in Latin America´s main cities helping each country achieve its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement commitments, lowering Greenhouse Gas emissions and mitigating climate change impacts.
By providing a clear linkage between investment, project development and NDC targets, the programme creates a working pipeline of projects, which leads to more effective and sustainable efforts in the development of a portfolio of sustainable transport projects.
The programme, implemented by KfW and co-implemented by CAF, also fosters a regional dialogue forum to improve relevance and implementation of the international policy framework. This allows for knowledge exchange between the countries and increases visibility and adherence to the Paris Agreement commitments.
Dates: Dec/2022 - Dec/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama

LAGREEN is the first green bonds fund dedicated to Latin America. Its main purpose is twofold: to finance climate- and resource-friendly investments and to mobilise local and international private capital towards the issuance of more green bonds in Latin America.
LACIF is partnering with KfW to achieve the following objectives:
- to mobilise additional funding for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) implementation;
- to push local capital market development towards a transition to sustainable finance – thereby fostering transparency and long-term commitments in financial and economic activity;
- to reach a substantial greenhouse gas emissions mitigation and/or climate change adaption impact.
Dates: Dec/2020 - Dec/2035 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru

The aim of the Facility is to establish a strategic partnership between the European Commission, AECID and other LACIF-assessed financial institutions, to channel the Commission’s resources towards the identification and design of projects aimed at increasing the sustainability and resilience of cities in Latin America. The strategic Facility finances project identification activities and the different steps leading to the design of comprehensive investment projects, capacity building activities and knowledge management, to build up bankable projects.
Dates: Dec/2019 - Dec/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru

The Fund is a joint initiative of investors intent on supporting the promotion of business and consumption practices that contribute to biodiversity conservation, the sustainable use of natural resources, climate change mitigation and adaptation to its impact. In providing financing to the Fund’s target group for investing in activities that conserve nature and foster biodiversity, the Fund seeks investments that yield both financial and environmental returns. The financing can be provided directly or through local financial institutions. In addition, final beneficiaries and local lending institutions can count on high impact technical assistance provided by the Development Facility. The project is led by KfW and managed by Finance in Motion.
Dates: Dec/2016 - Feb/2033 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru

The Geothermal Development Facility for Latin America aims at overcoming existing barriers to the development of geothermal energy by providing: (i) a tailored Geothermal Risk Mitigation Fund in order to diminish geothermal resource risk during the exploratory drilling stage of the project; (ii) geothermal investment financing windows to deliver anchor financing for subsequent investments during the production drilling and construction stages; and (iii) a Technical Assistance Forum to offer a suitable venue for policy dialogue between donors and partner governments. The project is led by KfW and counts with the support from the European Union through LACIF, and from BMZ.
Dates: Dec/2014 - Dec/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru

The program sought sustainable investments and practices in agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors, which helped improve the quality of life of rural populations, especially in low-income regions, and optimize the use of natural resources while mainstreaming climate change mitigation and adaptation in the sector. LACIF, AFD and IDB supported a Mexican public agriculture development bank, FIRA, with financing, investment grants and technical assistance to provide concessional loans for pilot green rural investments as well as long-term financing in the field of mitigation and adaptation of climate change in rural activities.
...Dates: Jun/2014 - Apr/2024 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Mexico

The LACIF contribution to this AECID-led initiative aims to improve water and sewerage infrastructures and contribute to reducing the risk of diseases caused by deficient water management in the Latin American region through the development of various projects. These are grouped into two components: Component I, projects for adaptation to climate change (ACC) and Component II, projects for the integrated management of water resources.
The projects include the reinforcement of capacities associated with the programs; studies developed in the pre-investment phase to identify new investments in new actions; review of regulations and the development of methodologies, tools and manuals which have an impact on future investments.
Dates: Dec/2013 - Dec/2024 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

The EcoCasa Programme aimed at contributing to the efforts of the Mexican government in reducing greenhouse gas emissions related to the housing sector.
The housing sector represents one of the most important untapped potential for energy efficiency in Mexico. During the last decades, urban expansion was insufficiently planned, which resulted in increased energy demand, infrastructure deficits, and inefficient transport patterns. The non-sustainable development pattern of Mexican cities has also aggravated the contribution of the housing sector to global climate change.
To support the Mexican government in promoting energy efficiency in the Mexican housing sector, the European Union, through LACIF, provided a combination of economic incentives and technical assistance to support the planning and implementation of energy efficient homes that generate less greenhouse gas emissions.
In this context, LACIF supported the KfW-led EcoCasa Programme, the world's first Nati...
Dates: Dec/2012 - Sep/2021 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Mexico

LACIF supported AFD and CAF in this program whose goal was to increase knowledge of urban development and transport in the region, by identifying new sources of financing for public transport projects (public-private partnerships, land valuation, etc.); identifying the regulatory obstacles to innovative transport projects and the way to surmount them; highlighting the potential of local communities to carry out this type of projects; and making it possible to define the technical and financial contours of specific projects in targeted cities (master plans and prefeasibility studies), thus promoting the emergence and implementation of public transport projects in the region.
Dates: Oct/2011 - Apr/2017 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay

LACIF, in partnership with AFD and IDB, aimed at strengthening technical and institutional capacity to respond to climate change at a local level through this project, reducing pressure on watershed forests through the promotion of sustainable development, including the reconversion of productive and agricultural activities and community forestry; and developing and implementing a mechanism for access to international carbon finance (REDD+), in line with the national strategy, in two vulnerable Mexican regions.
The project was successfully completed and contributed to the creation and development of six inter-municipal associations to promote and finance sustainable rural development, tackling deforestation and improving water resources management (REDD+ actions with climate change impact).
Dates: Dec/2010 - Dec/2015 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Mexico