Development Facility of the Green Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Initiative in Central America - MIPYMES VERDES II
Technical Assistance
The Green MSMEs lnitiative aims at reducing carbon emissions in the Central American Region by ensuring the provision of financial and non-financial services to support renewable power generation and energy efficiency measures in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
In order to do so, the lnitiative contains three main components:
- Technical Assistance for MSMEs as well as Participating Financial lntermediaries,
- Partial Risk Guarantees for MSMEs,
- Financing (loans) for Environmental lnvestments for MSMEs.
This lnitiative represents a continuation of the "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy programme for SME in Central America". The mentioned Program was successfully implemented and the achievements and lessons learnt constituted the basis for this Initiative implemented by KfW and CABEI.
- 57 000M C02 tons eq / year emissions reduction,
- 26 MW of additional capacity from renewable energy sources,
- 44M Euro of new financing available to financial intermediaries,
- 100 energy project studies and energy audits supported.